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sheep pox living vaccine(CVCC AV41)
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Business Type:Manufacturer
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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd
TECON Biology Co., Ltd, is one of the TOP 5 enterprises that produced veterinary biological products in China mainly producing vaccines of FMD, CSF, Brucellosis, BQ, PRRS,GP/SP,Anthrax,BVDV,and so on.
Business Type:Manufacturer
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【兽药名称】Veterinary Drug Name
通用名称 :山羊痘活疫苗
Generic Name: Goat Pox Living Vaccine
商品名称 :天痘清
Trade Name: Tian Douqing
英文名称 :Goat Pox Living Vaccine
English name: Goat Pox Living Vaccine
汉语拼音 :Shanyangdou Huoyimiao
Chinese Pronunciation: Shanyangdou Huoyimiao
[主要成分与含量 ] 本品含山羊痘病毒弱毒株(CVCC AV41)。每头份病毒含量不低于103.5TCID50.
Main ingredient and Composition
The product contains goat pox virus attenuated strain (CVCC Av41). The minimum virus level should be 103.5TCID50 per dose.
[性 状 ] 海绵状疏松团块,易与瓶壁脱离,加稀释液后迅速溶解。
Spongy, loose, light yellow block mass. asily detached from the bottle, and immediately dissolved after dilution.
[作用与用途 ] 用于预防山羊痘及绵羊痘。接种后4~5日产生免疫力,免疫期为12个月。
Indication and Usage
This product is indicated to prevent goat pox and sheep pox. Immunity will be generated 4 to 5 days after vaccination and lasts for 12 months.
[用法与用量 ] 尾根内侧或股内侧皮内注射。按瓶签注明头份,用生理盐水(或注射用水)稀释为每头份0.5ml,不论羊只大小,每只0.5ml。
Perform intradermal injection at the inner side of the tailhead and interfeminium. Dilute the vaccine with sterilized saline (or water for injection) into 0.5 mL per dose referring to the label on the bottle. Regardless of the animal’s size, vaccinate 0.5 mL for each goat/sheep.
(1) 可用于不用品系和不同年龄的山羊及绵羊。The vaccine is applicable to different varieties of goats and sheep in different ages.
(2) 孕羊慎用,如需使用,注射时,应避免抓羊引起的机械性流产。even to pregnant ewes. Grasp the pregnant ewe with caution to avoid miscarriage.
(3) 在有羊痘流行的羊群中,可对未发痘的健康羊进行紧急接种。Emergency vaccination can be performed on healthy sheep/goat in an endemic flock.
(4) 疫苗开启后,限当日用完。The diluted vaccine should be used within the day.
(5) 接种时,应作局部消毒处理。During vaccination, local disinfection treatment should be performed.
(6) 过的疫苗瓶,器具和未用完的疫苗等应进行无害化处理。The waste vaccine bottles, tools and unspent vaccine should be processed by harmless treatment.
(1)25头份/瓶 (2)50头份/瓶 (3)100头份/瓶
(1) 25 doses/bottle; (2) 50 doses/bottle; (3) 100 doses/bottle
10 bottles/box
[贮藏与有效期] -15℃以下保存,有效期为24个月。
Storage and validity
Store at -15 °C. validity period is 24 months
[批准文号] 兽药生字310014003
Approval Number
ANOVDP. (2011) 310014003
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