Swine Classical Fever E2 inactivated vaccine(Rb-03 strain)
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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd
TECON Biology Co., Ltd, is one of the TOP 5 enterprises that produced veterinary biological products in China mainly producing vaccines of FMD, CSF, Brucellosis, BQ, PRRS,GP/SP,Anthrax,BVDV,and so on.
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通用名称 :猪瘟病毒E2蛋白重组杆状病毒灭活疫苗 (Rb-03株)
Generic name: classical swine fever virus E2 protein recombinant baculovirus vaccine, inactivated(strain Rb-03)
商品名称 : 天瘟净
Trade name: Tian Wenjing
英文名称 :Classical Swine Fever Virus E2 Protein Recombinant Baculovirus Vaccine,Inactivated(Strain Rb-03)
English name: classical swine fever virus E2 protein recombinant baculovirus vaccine, inactivated (strain Rb-03)
汉语拼音 :Zhuwenbingdu E2 Danbai Chongzu Ganzhuangbingdu Miehuoy-imiao(Rb-03 Zhu
Chinese Pronounciation: Zhuwenbingdu E2 Danbai Chongzu Ganzhuangbingdu Miehuoyimiao(Rb-03zhu)
[主要成分与含量 ] 疫苗中含有猪瘟病毒E2蛋白,每头份疫苗中猪瘟病毒E2蛋
Main ingredient and composition: the vaccine contains swine fever virus E2 protein. Content of swine fever virus E2 protein shall be no less than 30μg
[作用与用途 ] 用于预防猪瘟。断奶后无母源抗体仔猪免疫期为6个月。
Usage and indication: the vaccine is for precaution of classical swine fever. Immune duration is 6 months for baby pig after weaning without maternal antibody
[用法与用量 ] 耳后颈部肌肉注射。
Administration: intramuscular injection into neck after ear
(1) for each pig 2ml no matter how big it is.
(2) 妊娠母猪,在分娩前35日免疫一次,21日后加强免疫一次。
(2)As for pregnant sow, First vaccination at 35 days after childbirth and second vaccination after 21 days thereafter.
(3) 在没有猪瘟流行的地区,断奶后无母源抗体的仔猪,一免后21日加强免疫一次;母猪妊娠期间未免疫猪瘟病毒E2蛋白重组杆状病毒灭活疫苗(Rb-03株)且有疫情威胁时所产仔猪在21~30日龄免疫一次,21日后加强免疫一次;母猪妊娠期间免疫猪瘟病毒E2蛋白重组杆状病毒灭活疫苗(Rb-03株)且有疫情威胁时所产仔猪可在70~77日龄免疫一次,21日后加强免疫一次。
(3)Second vaccination shall be strengthened 21 days after First vaccination for baby pig after weaning without maternal antibody where swine fever epidemic is not occurred; Second vaccination shall be strengthened 21 days after first vaccination, conducted 21-30 days after childbirth, for baby pig after weaning without maternal antibody where swine fever epidemic is occurred; Second vaccination shall be strengthened 21 days after first vaccination, conducted 70-71 days after childbirth, for baby pig after weaning with maternal antibody.
[不良反应 ]一般无可见不良反应。个别猪注射后可能会出现体温升高、减食或停食1~2日、注射部位肿胀,随着时间延长,症状逐渐减轻,直至消失。
Adverse reaction: there is no adverse reaction in common. Specific pig after injection may have symptoms like fervescence, less eat or stop eating for 1-2 days, tumidness at injected place. The symptoms will be gradually eased with time going and then disappear finally.
(1) The vaccine is only used for healthy swinery susceptible to infection.
(2) 本品严禁冻结。
(2) It is prohibited to freeze.
(3) 疫苗开启后限当日用完。
(3) The vaccine shall be used up within the day after it is opened.
(4) 使用无菌的注射器进行接种
(4) Vaccination shall be conducted with sterile injector.
(5) 用过的疫苗瓶、器具和未用完的疫苗等应进行无害化处理
(5) Bottle of vaccine, devices, not used-up vaccine shall be treated not to influence environment.
[规 格] (1)20ml/瓶 (2)50ml/瓶 (3)100ml/瓶 (4)250ml/瓶 (5)500ml/瓶
specification: (1) 20ml/bottle (2) 50ml/bottle (3) 100ml/bottle (4) 250ml/bottle (5) 500ml/bottle
[包 装] (1)10瓶/箱 (2)50瓶/箱
package: (1) 10 bottles/box (2) 50 bottles/box
[贮藏与有效期] 2~8℃保存,有效期为12个月。
storage and validity: storage under temperature 2-8 ℃. Validity period is 12 months.
[批准文号] 兽药生字310011135
AVOVDP. 310011135