Black Quater inactivated vaccine

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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd

Business Type:Manufacturer


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Product Information

  • Indication:通用名称 : 气肿疽灭活疫苗 Generic Name: Clostridium chauvoei Vaccine,Inactivated 商品名称 : 天疫清 Trade Name: Tian Yiqing 英文名称 : Clostridium chauvoei Vaccine,Inactivated English Name: Clostridium chauvoei Vaccin
  • Specification:(1) 100 doses/bottle (2) 250 doses/bottle
  • Dosage Form:Injection
  • Route of Administration:Subcutaneous Injection
  • Shelf Life:2 years
  • Storage:2℃-8℃
  • Package:100 bottles/box
  • Place of Origin:China
  • Qualification:Chinese GMP



Clostridium chauvoei Vaccine,Inactivated

兽药名称【Drug Name

通用名称 气肿疽灭活疫苗

Generic Name: Clostridium chauvoei Vaccine,Inactivated

商品名称 天疫清

Trade Name:  Tian Yiqing

英文名称 Clostridium chauvoei Vaccine,Inactivated

English Name: Clostridium chauvoei Vaccine,Inactivated

汉语拼音 Qizhongju Miehuoyimiao

Chinese Pronunciation: Qizhongju Miehuoyimiao

[主要成分 本品含灭活的气肿疽梭状芽孢杆菌。

Main Ingredients and ContentThis product contains inactivated anthrax Clostridium aeruginosa.

[性      ]静置后,上层为澄清液体,下层有少量沉淀,振摇后,呈均匀混悬液。

CharacterAfter resting, the upper is a clear liquid, the lower a small amount of precipitation, shaking, was a uniform suspension.

[作用与用途 用于预防牛、羊气肿疽。

usage and IndicationsFor the prevention of emphysematous gangrene of cattle, sheep

[用法与用量 皮下注射。不论年龄大小,每头牛5.0ml,每只羊1.0ml6月龄


AdministrationSubcutaneous injection. Regardless of age, 5.0ml per cow, 1.0ml per sheep, and less than 6 months of age after inoculation to 6 months of age, should be vaccinated again.



(1) 切忌冻结,冻结过的疫苗严禁使用。Prohibited to frozen, the frozen vaccine is strictly prohibited for use.

(2) 使用前,应将疫苗恢复至室温,并充分摇匀。before use, the vaccine should be returned to room temperature and shake well.

(3) 接种时,应作局部消毒处理。When vaccinating, local disinfection shall be conducted.

(4) 用过的疫苗瓶、器具和未用完的疫苗等应进行无害化处理。used vaccine bottles, utensils and unused vaccine should be decontaminated.

[         ]  ( 1 )100ml/  ( 2 ) 250ml/瓶。

Specifications      (1) 100 doses/bottle  (2) 250 doses/bottle

[         ]  100/

Package   100 bottles/box

[贮藏与有效期]  28℃保存,有效期为24个月

Storage and Validity stored at 2-8validity period is 24 months

[批准文号] 兽药生字310017015

Approval No. ANOVDP. 310017015 

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