Business Type:Manufacturer
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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd
TECON Biology Co., Ltd, is one of the TOP 5 enterprises that produced veterinary biological products in China mainly producing vaccines of FMD, CSF, Brucellosis, BQ, PRRS,GP/SP,Anthrax,BVDV,and so on.
Business Type:Manufacturer
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通用名称 :II号炭疽芽孢疫苗
Veterinary Drug Name
通用名称 :II号炭疽芽孢疫苗
Generic Name: Anthrax Living Vaccine(Ⅱstrain)
商品名称 : 天疽净
Trade Name: Tian Ju jing
英文名称 : Anthrax Living Vaccine (II strain)
English name: Anthrax Living Vaccine (II strain)
汉语拼音 : Erhao Tanju Yabaoyimiao
Chinese pronunciation : Er Hao Tan Ju Yi Miao
[主要成分与含量 ] 本品含炭疽杆菌II号菌株(CVCC 40202),甘油苗每毫升活菌数为1.3×107~2.0×107CFU。
[Main Ingredients and Contents]
The product contains ⅡBacillus anthracis strain (CVCC 40202). The viable count per milliliter is 1.3×107 ~ 2.0×107 CFU.
It becomes transparency liquid with a few of deposit after standing and becomes uniform suspension after shaking.
[作用与用途 ] 用于预防大动物、绵羊、山羊、猪的炭疽。免疫期,山羊为6个月,其它动物为12个月。
Usage and Indication
This product is used for preventing anthrax disease for sheep, goat, swine and other large species. Immunity lasts for 6 months for goat and 12 months for other species.
[用法与用量 ] 皮内注射。山羊,每只0.2ml;其他动物,每头(只)0.2ml.其他动物也可采用皮下注射,每头(只)1.0ml。
Perform intracutaneous injection. To vaccinate 0.2 ml. for each goat and also 0.5 ml. for other species; It can also perform subcutaneous injection for the other species excepting goat by 1 ml per pcs.
(1) 使用前,应将疫苗恢复至室温,并充分摇匀The vaccine should be returned to room temperature and shake well before using.
(2) 山羊、马慎用。 Used with caution for goat and horse.
(3) 本品宜秋季使用。在牲畜春乏或气候骤变时,不应使用。This product better be used in the fall and should not be used when the livestock is in spring tireness or when the climate is suddenly changing.
(4) 接种时,应作局部消毒处理。During vaccination, topical disinfection treatment should be performed.
(5) 用过的疫苗瓶、器具和未用完的疫苗等应进行无害化处理。The waste vaccine bottles, tools and unspent vaccine should be processed by harmless treatment.
(1)20ml/瓶 (2)50ml/瓶 (3)100ml/瓶 (4)250ml/瓶
(1) 20 ml./bottle; (2) 50 ml./bottle; (3) 100 ml./bottle; (4) 250 ml./bottle
[贮藏与有效期] 2~8℃保存,有效期为24个月。
Storage and validity
Stored at 2 ~8 °C. validity period is 24 months.
100 ml./bottle × 100 bottle/box
[批准文号] 兽药生字 310017526
Approval Number ANOVDP. 310017526