brucellosis living vaccine (A19)
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Business Type:Manufacturer
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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd
TECON Biology Co., Ltd, is one of the TOP 5 enterprises that produced veterinary biological products in China mainly producing vaccines of FMD, CSF, Brucellosis, BQ, PRRS,GP/SP,Anthrax,BVDV,and so on.
Business Type:Manufacturer
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Generic Name: Brucellosis Living Vaccine (Strain A19)
Trade Name: Nil
英文名称:Brucellosis Living vaccine( Srain A19 )
English Name: Brucellosis living vaccine (Strain A19)
汉语拼音: Bushijunbing Huoyimiao ( A19 Zhu )
Chinese Pronunciation : Bushijunbing Huoyimiao (A19 Zhu)
【主要成分与含量】 本品含牛种布氏茵A19株(CVCC 70202)。每头份含活菌数至少为6.0×1010CFU。
【Main Ingredients and Content】 This product contains Br.abortus strain A19 (CVCC 70202)and viable count per dose is 6.0×1010CFU at least.
【 性 状】海绵状疏松团块,易与瓶壁脱离,加稀释液后迅速溶解 。
【Character】Spongy loose lumps which can be separated from bottle wall easily and dissolve rapidly after diluents are added.
【usage and Indications】for Prevention of bovines brucellosis and immune duration is 72 months.
【Administration】Generally, subcutaneous injection only aims at bovines aged between 3-8 months, one dose per bovine and 1/60 dose is injected into each bovine when it is at the age of 18-20 months (before mating) if necessary. After that, the vaccination depends on prevalence situation of the brucellosis.
【注意事项 】
( 1 ) 不能用于孕牛。
(1) It doesn’t apply to calver.
( 2 ) 疫苗开启后,限当日用完。
(2)The vaccine shall be used up after opened within the day
( 3 ) 接种时,应作局部消毒处理。
(3) Make local disinfection treatment when vaccinate
( 4 ) 本品对人有一定致病力,工作人员大量接触可引起感染。使用时,要注意个人防护。
(4) The vaccine has certain virulence to people and workers can be infected if exposing to it frequently. Thus they should protect themselves well during use.
( 5 ) 用过的疲苗瓶、器具和未用完的疲苗等应进行无害化处理
(5) Used vaccine bottles, tools and unused vaccine shall be disposed harmlessly.
【规 格】 ( 1 ) 2头份/瓶 ( 2 ) 5头份/瓶 ( 3 ) 10头份/瓶 ( 4 )20头份/瓶
( 5 )40头份/瓶 ( 6 )80头份/瓶
【Specifications】(1) 2 doses/bottle (2) 5 doses/bottle (3) 10 doses/bottle (4) 20 doses/bottle
(5) 40 doses/bottle (6) 80 doses/bottle
【Storage and Validity】stored at 2~8℃.validity period is 12 months
【包 装】 10瓶/盒
【Package】10 bottles/box
【批准文号】 兽药生字310017010
【Approval No. 】ANOVDP. 310017010