Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Living Vaccine (Strain TJM-F92)

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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd

Business Type:Manufacturer


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Product Information

  • Indication:【兽药名称】 Veterinary Drug Name 通用名称 :高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征活疫苗(TJM-F92株) Generic Name: Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Living Vaccine 商品名称 : Trade Name: 英文名称 :Highly Pathog
  • Specification:10 dose/bottle; 20 dose/bottle; 50 dose/bottle.
  • Dosage Form:Injection
  • Route of Administration:Intramuscular Injection
  • Shelf Life:18 months
  • Storage:2℃-8℃
  • Package:10 bottle/box
  • Place of Origin:China
  • Qualification:Chinese GMP


通用名称 :高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征活疫苗(TJM-F92)

Generic Name: Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Living Vaccine


Trade Name:

英文名称 Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Living Vaccine

English name: Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Living Vaccine

汉语拼音  Gaozhibingxing Zhufanzhiyuhuxizonghezheng Huoyimiao(TJM-F92zhu)

Chinese Pronunciation: Gaozhibingxing Zhufanzhiyuhuxizonghezheng Huoyimiao(TJM-F92zhu)

[主要成分与含量 ] 头份疫苗含高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒弱毒(TJM-F92)至少105.0TTCID50

Main ingredient and Composition

The product contains Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome attenuated vaccine strain (TJM-F92). The minimum virus level at 105.0TCID50.

 [      乳白色疏松团块,易与瓶壁脱离,加稀释液后迅速溶解

[Character]milky white spongy loose lumps which can be separated from bottle wall easily and dissolve rapidly after diluents are added

【作用与用途】  用于预防高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(:高致病性猪蓝耳病)

usage and indication  This product is used for preventing porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (also called porcine blue-ear disease).

[用法与用量 颈部肌肉注射。按标签注明头份,用无菌生理盐水将疫苗稀释成每1头份1ml,每头接种1ml


Diluting the vaccine with sterilized saline by 1 dose/ml. referring to the number of doses label on the bottle. Perform intramuscular injection on neck by 1 ml. per pig.

不良反应   接种后个别猪可能出现过敏反应,可使用肾上腺素治疗。

adverse reaction Individual pigs may have an allergic reaction after vaccination, which can be treated with epinephrine.




(1)   仅用于接种4周龄以上的健康猪Only used to vaccinate healthy pigs over the age of 4 weeks.

(2)   阴性猪群、种猪和怀孕母猪禁用。Prohibited to use on negative pigs, breeding pigs and pregnant pigs..

(3)   屠宰前30日禁用。Prohibited to use within 30 days before slaughter.

(4)   疫苗经稀释后充分摇匀,1次用完。Fully shake after being diluted and used up at once.

(5) 应使用无菌注射器进行接种。Sterile injection syringes should be used for vaccination

(6) 注射部位应严格消毒。During vaccination, topical disinfection treatment should be performed.

7)使用后的疫苗瓶和相关器具应严格消毒。The used vaccine bottles, tools and unspent vaccine should be disinfected strictly.

8)应在兽医指导下使用。Should be used under the guidance of a veterinarian.

【规格】(110头份/ 220头份/ 350头份/

specification10 dose/bottle; 20 dose/bottle; 50 dose/bottle.

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