Classical Swine Fever Living Vaccine
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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd
TECON Biology Co., Ltd, is one of the TOP 5 enterprises that produced veterinary biological products in China mainly producing vaccines of FMD, CSF, Brucellosis, BQ, PRRS,GP/SP,Anthrax,BVDV,and so on.
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[ 兽药名称 ]veterinary drug name
通用名称 :猪瘟活疫苗(传代细胞源)
Generic name: Classical Swine Fever Living Vaccine (cell line)
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英文名称 :Classical Swine Fever Living Vaccine (cell line)
English name:
[主要成分与含量 ] 本品系用猪瘟病毒兔化弱毒株(CVCC AV1412)接种易感传代细胞培养,收获细胞培养物,加适宜稳定剂,经冷冻真空干燥制成。每头份含细胞毒液不少于0.015ml。
[main ingredient and content ] the product inoculates HCLV (CVCC AV1412)into cell line apt to be affected. Harvest cell cultures. It is made through freeze vacuum drying. Viral venom per dose is no less than 0.015ml.
[性 状 ] 淡黄色海绵状疏松团块,易与瓶壁脱离,加稀释液后迅速溶解。
[character]Spongy, loose, pale yellow mass. Easily detached from the bottle, and immediately dissolved after dilution.
[作用与用途 ] 用于预防猪瘟。断奶后无母源抗体仔猪的免疫期为12个月。
[usage and indication] the product is used for prevention of classical swine fever. Immune period after weaning of baby pig without maternal antibody is 12 months.
[用法与用量 ] 肌肉或皮下注射。
[administration] muscular or subcutaneous injection
(1) 按瓶签注明头份,用灭菌生理盐水稀释成1头份/ml,每头1.0ml。as per label claim dilute with sterile saline into 1 dose/ml, 1ml per pcs
(2)在没有猪瘟流行的地区,断奶后无母源抗体的仔猪,接种1次即可。有疫情威胁时,仔猪可在21~30日龄和65日龄左右各接种1次。Vaccination once is acceptable for baby pig after weaning without maternal antibody in region where swine fever is not epidemic. Vaccination once each on 21-30 day old and 65-day old baby pig when it is threatened by the epidemic.
(1)本品仅用于健康猪只。The product is only used for healthy pig
(2)接种后应注意观察,如出现过敏反应,应及时注射抗过敏药物治疗。Attention shall be paid after vaccination. Use injection of anti - allergic drugs timely in case there is reaction of allergy.
(3)疫苗应在8℃以下的冷藏条件下运输。Vaccine shall be transported storing below 8℃ for cold storage.
(4)使用单位收到冷藏包装的疫苗后,如保存环境超过8℃而在25℃以下时,从接到疫苗时算起,应在10日内用完。After user receive the vaccine in cold storage, when preservation environment between 8 ℃ and 25℃, the vaccine shall be used up within 10 days since reveiving.
(5)使用单位所在地区的气温在25℃以上时,如无冷藏条件,应采用冰瓶领取疫苗,随领随用。When temperature of user’s region is more than 25℃, if there is no conditions for preservation. Ice bag shall be taken and the vaccine shall be used soon.
(6)疫苗稀释后,如气温在15℃以下,6小时内用完;如气温在15~25℃,则应在3小时内用完。After dilution of the vaccine, use up within 6 hours below 15℃; use up within 3 hours at 15-25℃.
Local disinfection shall be conducted during vaccination. Replace 1 needle per inoculated pig.
(8)用过的疫苗瓶、器具和稀释后剩余的疫苗等应进行无害化处理。Used vaccine bottles, utensils and diluted residual vaccines should be treated innocuously
【规格】 (1)10头份/瓶 (2)20头份/瓶 (3)40头份/瓶 (4)50头份/瓶 (5)100头份/瓶
【specification】(1)10 dose/bottle (2)20 dose/bottle (3)40 dose/bottle (4)50 dose/bottle (5)100 dose/bottle
[贮藏与有效期] -15℃以下避光保存,有效期为18个月。
[storage and validity] stored protecting from sunlight below -15℃, validity period is 18 months
[批准文号] 兽药生字(2013)310011084
[approval No.] ANVODP. (2013)310011084