Swine Foot and Mouth Disease( Type O) Synthetic Peptide Vaccine( Peptide TC98+7309+TC07)
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Business Type:Manufacturer
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Tecon Biology Co.,ltd
TECON Biology Co., Ltd, is one of the TOP 5 enterprises that produced veterinary biological products in China mainly producing vaccines of FMD, CSF, Brucellosis, BQ, PRRS,GP/SP,Anthrax,BVDV,and so on.
Business Type:Manufacturer
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[ 兽药名称 ]Veterinary Drug Name
通用名称 :猪口蹄疫O型合成肽疫苗(多肽TC98+7309+TC07)
Generic Name: Swine Foot and Mouth Disease (Type O) Synthetic Peptide Vaccine (Peptide TC98+7309+TC07)
商品名称 :无
Trade Name: None
英文名称 :Swine Foot and Mouth Disease( Type O) Synthetic Peptide Vaccine( Peptide TC98+7309+TC07)
English name :Swine Foot and Mouth Disease( Type O) Synthetic Peptide Vaccine( Peptide TC98+7309+TC07)
汉语拼音 :Zhu Koutiyi O Xing Hechengtai Yimiao(Duotai TC98+7309+TC07)
Chinese Pronunciation: Zhu Koutiyi O Xing Hechengtai Yimiao (Duotai TC98+7309+TC07)
[主要成分与含量 ] 含猪口蹄疫病毒合成抗原多肽TC98、7309和TC07均应不低于25ug/ml。
Main ingredient and Composition
The product contains swine foot and mouth disease synthetic antigen peptide (TC98, 7309 and TC07), the virus level of which should be no lower than 25μg/mL.
性状 Character
乳白色略带粘滞性乳剂。Slightly viscous, white milk emulsion
作用与用途Indication and Usage
This product is indicated to prevent Type O swine foot and mouth disease. The immunity period is 6 months.
[用法与用量 ]Administration
Perform intramuscular injection behind the root of the ear with well shaken vaccine. Use 1.0mL per swine. After the first vaccination, booster immunization is recommended after 4 weeks.
[不良反应 ] Adverse Reactions
一般无可见不良反应。个别猪注射后可能会出现体温升高、减食或停食1~2日、注射部位肿胀, 随着时间延长,症状逐渐减轻, 直至消失。
Generally, there is no visible adverse reaction after vaccination. Individual pig may show increased temperature, less food intake or stop eating for 1~2 days, and swelling at the injection site. The symptoms will alleviate with time until disappear.
(1) 本品仅用于接种健康猪。Vaccination can only be performed on healthy pigs.
(2) 运输过程需冷藏,防止阳光直射。 During transportation, the vaccine should be in cold storage. Direct sunlight should be avoided during transportation.
(3) 本品严禁冻结,使用前应使疫苗恢复至室温并充分摇匀。At no stage should the vaccine be allowed to freeze. Before use, the vaccine should be at room temperature and well shaken
(4) 如出现疫苗瓶破损、含有异物或破乳分层等异常现象时,切勿使用。The vaccine should not be used if there are foreign matters, cracks on the bottle, loosed seal, de-emulsification or phase separation.
(5) 注射疫苗前必须对人员予以技术培训,严格遵守操作规程,曾经接触过病猪的人员,在更换衣服、鞋、帽和进行必要的消毒后,方可参与疫苗注射。The staffs must receive technical training before vaccination, and follow the operation regulations strictly. The staff that has been exposed to the affected animals should change clothes, hats and shoes, and receive necessary disinfection before participating in the vaccination process.
(6) 注射器具和注射部位应严格消毒。The injecting equipment and injection sites must be strictly disinfected.
(7) 疫苗开启后,应一次用完。 Once opened, the vaccine should be used in one-time.
(8) 使用后的用具、疫苗瓶、包装物和未用完的疫苗等应进行无害化处理。The waste vaccine bottles, tools and unspent vaccine should be processed by harmless treatment.
(1)50ml/瓶 (2)100ml/瓶
(1) 50 mL/bottle; (2) 100 mL/bottle
(1)50ml×10瓶/盒×10盒/箱 (2)100ml×50瓶/箱
(1) 50 mL × 10 bottles/box × 10 boxes/carton; (2) 100 mL × 50 bottles/carton
[贮藏与有效期] Storage and validity
Store at 2-8°C. validity period is 12 months
[批准文号]Approval Number
ANOVDP. 310017532